Pão de Queijo recipe using Ora-Pro-Nóbis

Check out this recipe from Horta da Terra, using our powdered ora-pro-nóbis, a high protein value plant!

Time of preparation:

60 minutes


20 portions


  • 500g of tapioca flour
  • 15g of powdered ora-pro-nóbis
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1/2 cup of oil
  • 200g of mozzarella cheese; Salt to taste

How to prepare:

  1. Pour oil and milk in a pan and leave it to boil
  2. Add tapioca flour, the ora-pro-nóbis and salt to taste
  3. As soon as it starts boiling, pour it over the tapioca flour and mix it with a spoon.
  4. Let the mixture cool down.
  5. Add the eggs and mix it well
  6. Add the cheese and mix it well
  7. Start shaping the breads
  8. Add them in a pan and place it in an oven to bake in a pre-heated temperature of 180 C for 35 minutes.